Saturday, July 11, 2009

Micronesia: Solar in Paradise

From November 2008 till June 2009 I was involved with the installation of 16 solar PV installations on the remote outer islands of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), funded under the EDF-9 project of the European Union (EU).

FSM is situated in the North Pacific, south of Guam, and its outer islands are some of the remotest places on earth.

The solar PV installations varied in size from 2.5 kWp (installed on health clinics) to 28 kWp (a mini-grid system powering the entire island of Fadrai).

Satawan school

Udot school

Moch church

Onoun municipal complex

A job well done! Onoun

Installation technicians - Satawan

28 kWp solar power plant on Fadrai, Ulith Atoll.
The largest of them all.

More detailed information on this project: