Sunday, December 13, 2009

Solar Streetlights in Eastern Chad

I'm in Eastern Chad at the moment, on the border with Sudan's Darfur province in the town of Iriba.
There are several refugee camps here and UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) is providing humanitarian assistance here.

It's a semi-desert area here, and relatively cool since we're slightly elevated (around 1000 meters)

With money they got from the Dutch Postcode Lottery they have purchased 62 solar streetlights from NAPS Systems, and I'm here on behalf of NAPS to give training to local technicians to install these lights.

I gave a short introduction on solar PV before starting the day before yesterday, and after that we've been installing the first 6 solar lights in the town of Iriba.

Everything went smoothly, and the teams are doing well.
This is how the lights looked like at night:

Everybody is impressed and talking about it! The town is slowly transforming.

Monday we'll go to one of the nearby refugee camps (Iridimi) for a few more installations.