Thursday, June 24, 2010

Solar in Haiti

Since May 16th 2010 I've been working for Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF), a US-based NGO, in Haiti.
With a team of American solar engineers we installed 3 PV systems at clinics and hospitals on the Plateau Central of Haiti, in the towns of Hinche and Cerca La Source. They were 2.7, 3.4 and 10 kWp in size, and will be working to relieve the burden of diesel generators.

Installation in progress on the 2.7 kWp and 3.4 kWp solar arrays at Hinche Hospital.
Cleaning and checking the batteries before wiring them up.
Jeff and Frantz working on the Outback centres.
On the roof of with the 10 kWp Cerca La Source Hospital arrays.
Fitting the inter-battery wires at Cerca La Source.
Arguably the most important activity of all: training the operators.
Cerca La Source array at sunrise.
10 kWp Cerca La Source array with the local church in the background.