Sunday, October 23, 2011

Solar Villa888 in Phuket, Thailand

On the 30th of Sept 2011 I drove down from Bangkok with a team of technicians from Annex Power to install a 20 kWp rooftop PV system on a luxury villa in Phuket, Thailand.
The owner wanted to make a statement and make the villa 'eco-neutral'.

We had designed a simple custom-made aluminium mounting structure to keep the profile as low as possible, in order keep visibility of the PV modules to a minimum.

The system is grid-connected through 2 SMA Tripower 3-phase inverters, each 12 kW.

Due to rain the installation took 2 days longer than expected, but after 8 days the system went online and started producing solar power.

On the very first day the system produced 100 kWh and made the kWh meter of the house run backwards!