Thursday, March 14, 2013

Solar NZ

I've been working for Alphatron Pacific Ltd in Auckland since 13 July 2012 and have been involved with the following installations here:

10 Aug 2012: Small (500 Wp) off-grid solar backup system installed at a house near Tauranga. The owner just wanted to run his LED lights on it during the powercuts he regularly experiences there.

10 Oct 2012: 1.5 kWp grid-connected solar system installed at an architect's house in Auckland. REC Solar PV modules and SMA Sunny Boy inverter.

12 Feb 2013: 5 kWp grid-connected system installed on a farm shed in Tirau, including an SMA 5000TL inverter. This was the second 5 kWp system I had sold (I wasn't involved in the installation of the first one, in Albany Heights, Auckland).

13 Mar 2013: 2 kWp solar system installed on the roof of the Alphatron Pacific office in Auckland.
Initial installation was done in January, but due to a mis-communication the 2 rows of panels were put too close together and the mounting frame was not installed correctly. 
The installation was modified in March and the last photo shows the final result.