Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Off-grid Bangkok townhouse hybrid solar-wind system

Mark Hindelang has installed an urban aquaponics farm in his townhouse in Bangkok, and wanted to demonstrate he can also run it off-grid.
We installed a 2.2 kWp solar PV system and a 200 W Airbreeze windturbine on his roof to power the pumps that run the aquaponics system.

12 SolarWorld modules of 185 Wp were used, to be installed on a tiled roof.

The control board being assembled on-site. Morningstar TriStar charge controller, SunTechnics inverter, breakers and connectors.

Working on the steep roof was tricky and safety harnesses were essential.

The roof-axis was oriented North-South and it was decided to mount half the modules on the East-facing roof-slope and the other half on the West-facing roof-slope to allow for a balanced charging of the batteries throughout the day.

The small windturbine was installed on the highest point of the roof on a pole fixed to the facade.

The battery bank.

and the final control panel, mounted on the wall.


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